Women Working in Health Care Face Burnout at Higher Rates Than Men


Women Working in Health Care Face Burnout at Higher Rates Than Men

When we reflect on how healthcare workers navigate through the daily grind of patient care, we seldom think about how the long hours, tireless efforts of caring for patients, or the effects on personal life and relationships affect these miracle workers. Recently it was reported by U.S. News and World Report that gender could play a bigger role in who possibly faces burnout more frequently. With women reporting more stress-related burnout than their male co-workers, what exactly is the difference occurring between these genders? 

Most report still living in a society where gender inequality plays a role. With male counterparts receiving better assignments, a higher pay scale, and less frequently being frowned upon for having a family to take care of outside the workplace. This causes a poor work/life balance by the constant feeling if they turn down a shift or need a specific day off to attend a child’s school function, hours will be cut back, promotability will be in question, or being assigned to a lesser role or department than they are skilled to perform.  (Thompson, 2024) Many report superiors encouraging women healthcare workers to prioritize family caregiving over professional development. (Vogel, 2024) For some, this may leave them with a feeling of failure or that if an emergency arises at home, they are faced with choosing their career over that of being an absent parent or caregiver. Leading to feelings of failing either way in both their career as well as their role in the family home. 

Researchers studied healthcare professionals as their mental and physical health relates to work and life satisfaction. (Vogel, 2024) Seventy-one studies published in 26 countries between 1979 and 2022 reported that 25% of women were dissatisfied with their current position in healthcare. Most received forced encouragement to focus on their children and families while being paid far less in both hourly rates and allocated hours than male co-workers of the same position. This forced encouragement even occurred in instances where the woman healthcare worker made significantly more than their spouse or partner, essentially being the breadwinner of the family. Women healthcare workers also reported spending more emotional energy on tough patient cases than male colleagues causing burnout to occur sooner. As most women report becoming attached to certain patients for a variety of reasons, even going against all they are trained not to, a natural feeling of being a caretaker takes over. As the effects of losing multiple patients that the female healthcare worker grew to know took hold, the feelings of despair, work-related stress, and burnout increased exponentially.

To combat healthcare burnout in women, facilities can help ease the burdens that women face daily. When working for a facility that is supportive of flexible schedules or employee recognition, all employees can benefit from a more profound work-life balance. Regardless of gender, removing stipulations or the frowned-upon use of utilizing earned sickness or vacation time without fear of losing out on a very well-earned promotion increases employee satisfaction significantly. Establishing mental health workshops that support all staff versus singling out a specific person to a mandated mental health professional requirement also increases awareness for both an individual healthcare worker to recognize the signs within themselves and to notice the signs that a coworker may be struggling. When healthcare facilities encourage supporting coworkers rather than being cutthroat and frowning upon those who are experiencing family illness or difficulties, everyone benefits. 

Additional references:

Vogel, S. (2024, February 22). Women in healthcare report higher levels of burnout than male colleagues, study finds. Healthcare Dive. Retrieved March 15, 2024, from https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/women-in-healthcare-burnout/708203/


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